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      Lamidecor in Maderalia 2024

      20 May, 2024

      Lamidecor at MADERALIA 2024: Driving Innovation in the Furniture Sector

      Lamidecor has been an outstanding participant in FIMMA + MADERALIA 2024, an internationally renowned event that took place from 14th to 17th May at Feria Valencia, Spain. This fair has been the epicentre of innovation in the furniture and decoration sector, presenting the latest in materials, technology and tools for professionals in the sector.

      Lamidecor’s presence at this event was significant, with a diverse team of professionals from various strategic departments of the company. This participation underlines our commitment to exploring new opportunities and our determination to keep abreast of emerging trends in the market.

      During the show, the team focused on establishing direct connections with customers and suppliers, consolidating existing business relationships and seeking new partnerships. This focus on direct interaction provided valuable opportunities for the exchange of ideas and feedback. Which will be instrumental in further improving our products and services.

      In addition, participation in the fair served as a platform to explore the latest innovations in materials, technology and design. By interacting with other exhibitors and keeping abreast of market trends, Lamidecor is well positioned to anticipate the needs of its customers and lead in the development of new products and solutions.

      Finally, the show also provided the opportunity to strengthen strategic alliances with key industry partners, both nationally and internationally. These collaborations are essential to drive the growth and expansion of both the leading decorative paper company and its business partners.

      In conclusion, Lamidecor‘s participation in FIMMA + MADERALIA 2024 has highlighted its commitment to excellence, innovation and collaboration in the furniture and decoration industry. As a leader in its field, Lamidecor continues to demonstrate its ability to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving market.