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      New suggestions box

      24 January, 2023

      New suggestions box

      At Lamidecor we have set up a Suggestions Box to give a voice to all employees. This new means of improvement will allow us to listen to all the proposals and initiatives of this great family.

      The purpose of the suggestion box is to be able to have a way to expose congratulations, requests, ideas, suggestions and concrete solutions and complaints in order to know and share different points of view and to avoid that good ideas are lost without being heard.



      One of the advantages is the improvement of internal communication in a simple and efficient way that encourages dialogue among the whole team. Everyone can contribute ideas based on their professional experience.

      The Suggestion Box will allow an employee with a particular concern not to remain indifferent to it, but to express suggestions to help find possible solutions by offering advice. Creating a climate of dialogue can improve the emotional health of employees, increase their self-esteem and provide mutual benefits if it is constructive for both the company and the employee. As such, it is a means to promote the common good.

      We also know that the people who make up Lamidecor are the key to success because of their hard work and effort. We spend a lot of time together, one of the most important factors is the quality of the working environment, so we want to know everyone’s opinion in order to improve the quality of life in the working environment.

      The HR department will monitor all the ideas presented in order to work effectively in the analysis and evaluation of the proposals of the whole Lamidecor team.


      We invite you all to make use of the suggestion box!


      Buzón de sugerencias de Lamidecor
      Lamidecor suggestion box


      Lamidecor continues in its commitment to corporate social responsibility or CSR showing proposals for a better future.